Type 7:114G bei Antoine Vérard (Paris, Offizin 56)
Bezeichnung (nach GW) | Type 7:114G |
Größe (20 Z.) | 114mm |
M-Form | M32 |
Schriftart | Gotisch (Bastarda) |
TW-ID | ma02091 |
Beschreibung |
C rund, mit Winkelsehne P2 leer L mit Dorn B2 leer d mit großer Schlaufe nach links, d mit kleinerer Schlaufe nach rechts das Haebler'sche Maß 109 ist wohl bei Macfarlane 69 gemessen und hier zu klein 2 Formen y (spitz: Macfarlane) und geschwänzt (BMC) und z (spitz: Macfarlane) und rund (BMC) Mit Rubrikzeichen α Vgl. Type 12:104G BMC 114B BMC VIII 71: "114 B. [P. 7], large text type. Smallish A with long dropping head-serif, rounded C running to a sharp point at the top to the left, with thin vertical, very large H, plain P with single thin vertical and pointed foot, very large T with long curved head-serif to left and inner twist and rather squat V with slightly slanting sinew and head-curl brought well over to right are characteristic. L, Q, and other capitals are those of 118 B. [P. 3], O is that of 117B. The lower case seems to be that of 118B. [P. 3], but on a narrower sett. In the 1494 Boethius (IB. 41164) (= GW04580), the first book in which it here occurs, I is small, C and P of 118B. [P. 3] are found as alternatives, T has particularly long head-serif and leans to the right, and heavy ⁌ is frequent; in the sheet of this type forming part of the 1495 Vincentius (IC. 41169) (= M50598) are found the two forms of C, alternative long I, much as that of 118 B. [P. 3], T with shorter head-serif and somewhat thicker inner twist and set square on the line, and ⁌; in the other books only rounded C and long I are used, T is the square-set sort, and there is no ⁌. The capitals as shown in the Boethius (excluding alternative C and P) are those of Dupre 107B. [P. 16] (1493), save that M has a narrower right bowl than Dupre's. In use in 1494-1500 and as late as 1504." |
Divis | |
Nutzungszeit | 1488-1500 |

(BMC VIII Facs. 10)
Jahr | Ort | Drucker | Datierung | Beleg | Anmerkungen |
1488 | + | - | + | GW-Archiv | |
1494-08-19 | + | + | + | GW04580 | |
1495-10-15 | + | + | + | M50919 | |
1496 | + | + | + | GW12623 | |
[1496-11-20] | + | + | - | GW12816 | |
1497-08-08 | + | + | + | GW06649 | Im gedruckten GW fälschlicherweise als Type 3:118G bestimmt |
1497-09-15 | + | + | + | GW02489 | Im gedruckten GW fälschlicherweise als Type 3:118G bestimmt |
1498 | + | + | + | GW12668 | |
1498-10-15 | + | + | + | GW02590 | |
[1498] | + | + | - | GW04310 | |
1499-04-27 | + | + | + | GW11844 | |
[1499-10-25] | + | + | - | GW11849 | |
[1499-10-25] | + | + | - | GW12817 | |
1500-12-12 | + | + | + | GW12569 | |
[1500] | + | + | - | GW05878 | Im gedruckten GW fälschlicherweise als Type 3:118G bestimmt |
- Lyon BMun (Digitalisat) = GW02489
- Stuttgart LB (Digitalisat) = GW04310
- Liège BU (Digitalisat) = GW05878
- Washington (D.C.) LC (Digitalisat) = GW05878
- Paris BN (Digitalisat) = GW06649
- Wien NB (Digitalisat) = GW06649
- Oxford Bodl (Digitalisat) = GW06649
- BMC VIII 71, Facs.10: 114B [P.7]
- Macf. 69
Nicht-öffentliches Material
- GW [k 81], 11844, 11849 (GW-Fotoslg)
- GW 11844, [k 169], [k 453](P. I), [k 454] (GW-Kopienslg)
Belegmaterial (Import aus GW)
Die aus dem GW importierten online-Belege sind z.T. noch ungeprüft!
- Paris BN (Bl. AA3-AA6, BB4/5, CC2/7, Lage FF, GG3-6, II1-3, 5/6 8-10) (Digitalisat) = GW02590
- Paris IHistArt (Digitalisat) = GW04580
- Paris MDutuit (Digitalisat) = GW04580
- Troyes BMun (Digitalisat) = GW12668
- Châteauroux BMun (Digitalisat) = GW12816
- Châteauroux BMun (Digitalisat) = GW12816
- Châteauroux BMun (Digitalisat) = GW12816
- Paris BN (Digitalisat) = GW12816
- Paris BN (Digitalisat) = GW12816
- Oxford Bodl (Digitalisat) = M50919
- Macfarlane 69