Type 1*:112G bei Johann Rosembach (Barcelona, Offizin 4)


Bezeichnung (nach GW) Type 1*:112G
Größe (20 Z.) 112mm (Haebler: 112/113)
M-Form M95
Schriftart Gotisch (Rotunda)
TW-ID ma14211
Beschreibung BMC X 9: "112 G. [P. 3; Haebler 1*], large text type of the same design as 98 G. [P. 1], some of the capitals being perhaps identical. Apart from its size the lower case is distinguishable only in small details. The curled tail of h is carried upwards under the letter; shorter and less steep double hyphen. In use in 1495 (Tomic, Historie de Cathalunya, Haebler 641) and in the undated Malla, Memorial del peccador remut (IB. 52548)."
Nutzungszeit -


  • BMC X 9