Simon Doliatoris (Paris, Offizin 11*)


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Type TW-ID M/Qu Nutzungszeit Beschreibung GfT
1:80G ma00633 M84 (Rotunda) 1483-1486 mit Punkt: A1, O2, Q2
leer: D1 (Antiqua, nicht gebrochen, Haebler: Typenrepertorium Abt. III, Tab., 2 got. Typen, S. 274/275, Nr. 2: hs.: nein),H2, N2, P2
G mit Sehne
I1 mit Dorn
Vgl. Type 1:68G bei Collège de Narbonne (Paris, Offizin 8*) (gleiche Formen, aber kleinerer Schnitt)
BMC VIII 54: 81 G. [P. no. 8472-7, type 1], small text type, suggestive of German rather than French models. Many of the capitals, including M, are peculiar; O and Q have an inner cross, R is roman with an additional upright to the left; in the signed Datus D is gothic, in all the other books it is roman and has been thought by Claudin to indicate the printer's initial (Doliatoris), much as the peculiar R of the R-Printer at Strasburg indicates the initials of Adolf Rusch. The lower case contains many narrow forms; short double hyphen, scarcely more than two points. The capitals are those of a type of about 89 mm (Type 8:87G bei Pedro Posa (Barcelona, Offizin 2)). employed by Petrus Posa at Barcelona in a Valascus de Tarenta, Philonium, of 1484 (IB. 52516) (=M49057), except that roman D does not occur.
A type of 70 mm. found in a Confession de frere Olivier Maillard printed at Paris 'au College de Narbonne' on 20 November, 1481, (=M19957) very closely resembles the above type on a smaller scale and is credited to the same printer by Claudin (Histoire, i, pp. 285, 286).
GfT 1775

Alternative Namen

Simon Boettiger (Haebler: Typenrepertorium)

Personen, die mit dieser Offizin in Verbindung stehen

Doliatoris, Simon