Dionysius Paravisinus (Mailand, Offizin 6)


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Type TW-ID M/Qu Nutzungszeit Beschreibung GfT
1:117Gr ma08882 1476-1476 Type für vollständig auf griechisch gedruckte Texte
Vgl. Type 2:119Gr bei Bonus Accursius (Mailand, Offizin 13) (Weiterverwendung)
Vgl. Type 3:121Gr bei Drucker des Vergilius (C 6061) (Florenz, Offizin 11), Type 1:121Gr bei Benedictus Ricardinus (Florenz, Offizin 20*/21**) und Type 4:121Gr bei Bartolomeo de Libri (Florenz, Offizin 8) (Neuguss)
BMC VI 731: "117 Gk. [P. 1], text type, with accents and breathings, modelled on liturgical mss. The capitals are in the plain Byzantine style, resembling those of Kallierges (Venice) 121 Gk. [P. 1] (= Type 1:120/121Gr bei Zacharias Kallierges (Venedig, Offizin 146)). They are disproportionately larger than the lower case, so that there is much white between the lines, and owing to their height are dropped below line-level. ὅ is disproportionately large. 'The type is carefully designed to bring certain letters into the closest possible contiguity by means of specially designed varieties of these letters; so that in some cases [e. g. ντ, μα, σω, etc., in the facsimile] the two or three letters seem as printed to be almost without any apparent break' ; this is probably the peculiarity indicated by the γραμμάτων συνθήκη of the dedication to the Lascaris, q.v. below. As the accents appear to have been 'cut on one punch with the letters in the lower case, as in the capitals, where they are usually right inside the letters', the difficulties caused to the printer by τοὺς τῶν προσωδῶν τόπους (ibid.) may refer only to the labour involved in cutting so many combinations. The type 'consists approximately of fifty-five capital and one hundred and sixty-one lower-case sorts', besides stops, etc. See Proctor, The Printing of Greek, etc., pp. 51-8."
GfT 2308
2:118R ma08883 Q|u (keine Klassifizierung) (Antiqua) 1476-1476

Personen, die mit dieser Offizin in Verbindung stehen

Paravisinus, Dionysius