Ulrich Han (Rom, Offizin 2)



1471 bis Ende 1474 gemeinsam mit Simon Chardella, vgl. Simon Chardella (Rom, Offizin 19).

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TNT - Type Network Tool

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Type TW-ID M/Qu Nutzungszeit Beschreibung GfT
1:150G ma09649 M20A (Rotunda) 1468-1476
GfT 1838
1*:78R ma09650 Qu|-K1 (Antiqua) = [P.1*]: Pr 6747 note; H 8550?
2:97R ma09651 Qu|-K1 (Antiqua) 1469-1469
GfT 1684
2*:86R ma09652 Qu|-G (Antiqua) 1468-1468 GW 6743 = ISTC ic00655000
3:113R ma09653 Qu|-G (Antiqua) 1468-1470 Vgl. Type 1:113R bei Baldassare Azzoguidi (Bologna, Offizin 1)
In M48213 mit kleinem Winkelhaken und Unterstrich zur Kennzeichnung von Bibelzitaten, vgl. Prügl S. 208
GfT 544
4:103R ma00993   Q|u-B und Qu|-G (Antiqua) 1470-1478 BMC IV 18: "103 R. [P. 4], text type. Single Qu with well rounded tail, the u quite close to the Q, is used almost exclusively in IC. 17255 (= M23407), which is thus probably the earliest book containing the type, as single Qu with flatter tail and separate Qu are more common in IC. 17281 (1471) (= M47210) and usual in subsequent books. D is cocked slightly to the right, E has a conspicuous slanting serif to the middle bar, I has longer serifs than that of type 113 R. [P. 3] (Type 3:113R), the shanks of M slope outwards; the tail of y is curled to the right, 9 is large and stands both on the line and below it; single slanting hyphen. The capitals are broader in proportion than those of type 113 R. In books of 1473-5 capitals from type 125 G. [P. 5] (Type 5:125G) are often admixed, in 1477 and 1478 the type is again pure. For books containing admixtures from 150G. as well as 125G. see Wolf Han. In use in 1471-5, 1477, 1478."
GfT 1561
4*:109R ma09654   Q|u-B und Qu|-G (Antiqua) 1475-1475 BMC IV 18 (doubtful): "109R. [P. 4*], apparently with exactly the same face as 103R. [P. 4] (Type 4:103R) pure, but on a taller body, varying from 109 mm. to over 115 mm. in the only book in which it seems to occur, the undated Priscian (IB. 17316) (= M35370). The Greek type found in this book is Han's 103Gk., presumably leaded to the size of the Roman type, but with undotted Roman i admixed and concave θ. Not reproduced."
5:125G ma00888 M13 (Rotunda) 1472-1478 BMC IV 18: "125 G. [P. 5], Large text type, not unlike a reduced version of 150G. [P. 1] (Type 1:150G), with simple capitals. C and E are indented in the middle, N is in two parts, the tail of Q lies on the line. Tied letters, infrequent in the early books, are common in the books of 1477 and 1478. Capitals of 103R. [P 4] (Type 4:103R) are often admixed. In use in 1472-4, 1477, 1478."
GfT 1968
GfT 1969
6:125R ma00889 Qu|-G (Antiqua) 1473-1473 126 R. [P. 6], large text type. The capitals are those of 103 R. [P. 4] (Type 4:103R), but the lower case is considerably larger. Two forms of single Qu, one with u close to Q, the other with the tail of Q just reaching under u; separate Qu is found occasionally; a and e (rounded) are proportionately narrower than the rest of the lower case, h has rounded tail level with line, s seems to lean to the left and has long serifs, y has straight tail, ę is common; double slanting hyphen. Used in the 1473 Vergil (IB. 17296 = M49748), the 1474 Lactantius (IB. 17303 = M16537), and an undated Aeneas Syluius, Epistola ad Mahumetem (= M33656). It appears to have been soon abandoned, probably because of its size. Later on it reappears as
102 R. [P. 7] (Type 7:102R), on a smaller body, and with smaller forms of the long minuscules (b, d, f, g, h, 1, p, q, f); ę is not found. In use in 1477 and J478.
GfT 1685
7:102R ma00994   Qu|-G und Q|u-B (Antiqua) 1475-1478 Lt. BMC IV 18 Type 6:125R auf kleinerem Kegel. Zur Beschreibung s. dort.
GfT 1970
8:103R ma09655   Q|u-B und Qu|-G (Antiqua) 1477-1477 Haebler: Typenrepertorium Abt. V, Erg. 2, S. 93, Nr. 2: "ist gleich Type 4:103R mit erheblich größeren Min."
Das würde der Beschreibung für Type 7:102R in BMC IV 18 entsprechen. Also zu streichen?
Lt. GW-Manuskript als Auszeichnungsschrift in M13313, z.B. Bl. 8b
9:103G ma09656 M38 (Rotunda) Zu streichen?
Nicht: Johannes Chrysostomus, Münster (Dr.Streifen 789: dort gestrichen!); bezieht sich auf M13313 (mit Type 4:103R und Type 8:103R gedruckt)


Initiale TW-ID Höhe Nutzungszeit Beschreibung GfT
a ma09657 5/6mm 1473-1474 Lombarden
GW 9149 = ISTC id00445500


Rubr. TW-ID Form Nutzungszeit Beschreibung GfT
α ma00995 normale Form 1472-1478 lang und derb, weiß ziemlich breit, obere Spitze mittel, untere kurz
zu Type 4:103R
GfT 1561
β ma09658 normale Form 1473-1473 zwei Zeilen groß, mit doppelter Sehne und Querstrichen
zu Type 4:103R
γ ma09659 normale Form 1473-1474 zwei Zeilen, groß, ungewöhnlich: weiß breit, darin [?]-Zeichen
Type 4:103R
δ ma09660 normale Form 1473-1476 rund, obere Spitze schräg nach unten, unten kurz
GfT 1970 (Alph.!)

Alternative Namen

Ulrich Han und Simon Chardella; UIrich Han und Simon Nicolai de Luca (VB)

Personen, die mit dieser Offizin in Verbindung stehen

Nicolai, Simon; Han, Ulrich; Chardella, Simon